Friday, September 12, 2014

How Many Fingers?!

Today we practiced counting by 5's.  We decided that using our hands would be helpful in counting by 5's because we all have 5 fingers on each hand.  Students traced their hands, and we glued the hands onto a large sheet of butcher paper.  We added in the numerals as we counted.  Students began to notice certain patterns in the numerals.  For example, on the left column, all the numerals had a 5 in the ones column, while on the right side, there was always a 0 in the ones spot.  Students also realized that on the right side it showed the traditional way of counting by 10's, but if we went down the left side, we could count by 10's, just starting with the number 5.  For example: 5, 15, 25, 35 etc.  This was a fun and educational lesson for the students.

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